This month I went to the WEMTA conference and listened to many interesting speakers talk about all kinds of things that I could do in my school as the LMS. I went to one workshop were in a side note the speaker talked a little bit about changing her library to follow the bookstore model. I had been thinking about that same thing for a while. I want to make it easier for my elementary students to find books. I want them to do more browsing instead of always picking the same thing. I am now on a mission to change my everybody fiction into the bookstore model. Here are the steps that I have taken so far.
- I ran off a report on the use of all the books in the everybody nonfiction.
- I highlighted every book that had 2 or less uses.
- I am weeding the section using that report.
- I am coming up with my categories that the section will be divided up into. I have looked at the BISAC website to help me with categories. Having the print out of the whole section I have started looking at titles to come up with the categories.